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HD-802 Instructions for use


HD-802 1911 Beavertail Top Blending Tool

This tool will serve as a “third hand” to assist the pistolsmith in shaping the top of the beavertail grip safety to be in register with the top of the frame tangs, when the grip safety is in the “trigger blocking” position. The top register fit is performed at or near the end of the beavertail fitting process. For best results, you should use the thumb safety and main spring housing that will be used with the pistol, before fitting begins.

Fit the beavertail to the frame in your normal manner, stopping short of any blending to the top surfaces. Once you have the beavertail fit so that it pivots on the thumb safety and is blended to the frame on the under side, remove the thumb safety and beavertail.

Assemble the screw and pin to the fitting tool body.

Install the HD-802 fitting tool into the trigger stirrup grooves with the rounded end to the front and with the notch in the rear of the body to the right.

Reinstall the beavertail and thumb safety back in the frame and then install the main spring housing in the bottom of the frame. Install the main spring housing pin to retain it.

Turn the setscrew clockwise, until the beavertail swings out at the bottom, into the trigger blocking position and is snugged up against the main spring housing. Do not use much more than finger tightening of the screw, as you are trying to roughly duplicate the force applied by the RH leaf of the sear spring. If you tighten it too much, you will force the beavertail out past where the sear spring would normally take it and if you grind/sand there, you will not have a good match when you go to the sear spring.

Hold the frame in a padded vise and blend the top surface of the frame tangs into the top surface of the beavertail. I use a ½” sanding drum with a 60 grit band to rough shape the parts, then clean up the sanding marks with a half-round Bastard cut file, then 120 and 240 grit flap wheels. A 1/2" wooden dowel wrapped in sandpaper works great to do a final clean up before bead blasting.

Once the two upper surfaces are satisfactory, remove the HD-802 tool and blend the sides of the frame and beavertail together, then bead blast to matte the surfaces.

Harrison Design & Consulting LLC


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