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Colt Front Sights

Dovetail Front Sights for the Colt 1911s


Colt has used at least three different non-interchangeable dovetail front sights in the course of their production; the Novak, the Heinie and the C-More. You will need to compare your slide to those shown to determine which dovetail configuration that you have.

These dovetails differ in three main aspects - the distance from the front of the slide measured to the centerline of the dovetail, the depth of the dovetail and the front to back width of the dovetail.

The Novak dovetail centerline is typically cut about .330 to .365" from the front of the slide and the sight dovetail is .075" deep and .330" wide -w- 65° angle.

The Heinie dovetail centerline is typically cut about .250" from the front of the slide and the sight dovetail is .060" deep and .300" wide -w- 60° angle.

The C-More dovetail centerline is typically cut about .275" from the front of the slide and the dovetail is .070" deep and .335 wide -w- 65° angle.

There are pictures comparing the C-More and Novak dovetails in the C-More section.

Picture of Stake In Front Sights

Stake In Front Sights


Picture of 113G Install gold bead in plain black dovetail front sight

113G Install gold bead in plain black dovetail front sight


Install gold bead in plain black dovetail front sight (Order sight separately)

Picture of LCT-263 Loctite for front sights

LCT-263 Loctite for front sights


Loctite 263 high temperature retaining compound